Sunday, August 9, 2009



I just visited the Rhinebeck Farmer's Market, and there was a fine jazz duo - Martin hollow-body electrified guitar and uprignt bass.. Both guys were excellent musicians, and both looked about my age - meaning old. But when they performed, it was sublime.

It reminded me a bit of Dave Brubeck's meanderings, with the trio, quartet and other configurations.

OK, the follwing link is not working yet. I'm working on it. Be patient. It isn't an easy one. I'm trying to get you to be able to listen to a track on MY computer, and that is NO easy task. But I'll get it workin' soon. Come back later.

Someday My Prince Will Come

Here is a video of Dave playing this recently, unfornately without Desmond - he died (sigh!) - but the uneasy-ness of the song comes fromt the fact that the drummer - Joe Morello in the original quartet - is playing in 4/4 time (march time, so to speak), and the bassist is playing in waltz tme - 3/4 tme. These two time signatures do NOT work together. But Brubeck improvises in one, then the other, interchangeable.

This creates an uneasily sensed creepy-ness to the playing. And it is hard to make out at first. Try listening to just the bass line, then the drummer. And listen how Brubeck dances around them. It is pure genius.

So, I am still working on the fix to allow you to listen to my own recording off of 'Countdouwn - Time in Outer Space', the definitive version, with Desmond. I have a solution, but it will take a it of time to pull it off. Enjoy, for now.

And, BTW, Brubeck is f*cking 88 years old in this video. I should be so lucky. 88 years old!!! And still going strong. Perhaps playing jazz piano isn't such a bad idea.


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