Saturday, July 25, 2009

Blood Fest

Sometimes we all need a good slasher movie.

So, let's go right to the top of the list. This director, who received an Academy Award, in an indirect way I guess, for Best Film a few years ago, for 'The Return of the King', is an Aussie. One of his first publicly-shown films, however, is TO THIS DAY considered to be the bossest slasher flick EVER made. In point of fact, the blood-flow count during the infamous lawnmower ending scene is documented at over 5 gallons per second! Yes, you read that correctly. And that's not counting the fetus-in-the-blender either. In most Eutopean countries, when you rent this baby, they include a few vomit bags as well!

You know it can't get any better than that! 5 gallons per second! And yet, you are laughing all the way. 'Your mother ate my dog!' - a quote from the flick.


Here are some cuts from the IMDB site, concerning this flick...

... IMDB quotes begins ...

* Just before Lionel makes his entrance with the lawnmower, Paquita and friend (the one with glasses) are attacked by Voids legs (cut off in the bathroom scene) and a horde of zombies. Paquita and the girl grab a leg each and rip them apart. They then use these limbs to attack any zombie that comes near them.

In the original New Zealand release when the zombie baby first apears it attacks Lionel but is unsuccesful as its umbilical cord gets caught up on a nail. This scene is not present in the unrated american version.

... IMDB quotes end ...

So, name the director and, of course, the movie. And yes, a MONKEY does figure into the plot. Extra points if you can explain that. And the good Dr. Watson never got to write about it either. Everybody's got something to hide, 'cept for me and my ...' And my Romanian readers should have NO problem explaining the monkey's part - yum yum ... hint~

Click here for the answer


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