A bleak, raining, thunder storming night like I find myself in at this moment up here in Rhinebeck, deserves some Sherlock Holmes trivia. So two trivia questions, both self-rated as intermediate:
Both questions will be about small snippets of dialogue between Holmes and someone else. Your objective is to name the story - both are from short stories.
Sterndale: How do you know that?
Holmes: I followed you.
Sterndale: I saw no one.
Holmes: That is what you may expect to see when I follow you.
- Gregory: Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?
- Holmes: To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.
- Gregory: The dog did nothing in the night-time.
- Holmes: That was the curious incident.
So, there you go. I call the questions intermediate in difficulty because they assume some knowledge of the canon, and are not simplistic like asking 'Does Holmes ever call Dr. Watson by his first name 'John?' Well, OK, that is not an easy question to answer either. But I could certainly come up with a few questions that would be considerably harder to answer.
Oh, it is thundering and there is lightening outside now. Perfect.
Well, for now, 'Il n'y a pas des sots si incommodes que ceux qui ont de l'esprit.'
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